Sometimes a bank shot is a better alternative than a cut shot, in order to minimize the risk of scratching or selling out the game. In this 8-ball situation, you will learn the proper bank shot strategy to maximize your...
Bullseye Billiards has recently been awarded the BCA Seal of Approval by the Billiard Congress America for its effectiveness for helping players improve their game. The BCA Instructors Product Review Panel tested and evaluated Bullseye Billiards for over a month before...
If you have an object ball frozen (touching) another object ball, you can transfer a lot of topspin to the first object ball by shooting with backspin on the cue ball. This can be useful for changing the path of...
Learn how to follow the cue ball a short distance using a high stroke speed stun-through shot. This is often easier and more consistent than using a drag draw shot.